Sometimes several things align to present you with an opportunity too good to pass up. I am talking, obviously, about pond hockey.
The Funtensity way of fitness and life is based on physical activity featuring reactivity, coordination, interactivity, and friendly competition.
Another key concept is to choose forms of physical activity that you are so drawn to that it is easier to do them. When you want to do something, it is far easier to do it.
How to Spend 7 of 22 Hours Doing One Thing
A while back, I met this affable couple, Katy and Brad, while ice skating. They were so kind and invited me down to a pond near their house for some pond hockey if it froze over in winter. (partner interactivity)
Long ago, I took ice skating lessons wit the plan to play recreational hockey. (friendly competition) It takes a very long time to get good enough at skating that you can stop focusing on skating and think about a stick and puck and so the hockey part of the equation has not come to pass. I’ve learned to enjoy skating on its own. (reactivity and coordination)
All the ingredients for a true Funtensity experience are in place…
With a good run of multiple-day below freezing weather, I got a wonderful surprise text message from Katy that the family was going out for some pond hockey with an invitation to join.
I was thrilled.
Friday afternoon was 3 hours of the first pond hockey of my life. It was wonderful, terrific, and heaps of fun. And Katy and her husband Brad and their kids were warm, welcoming, and good sports.
With the temperatures set to rise above freezing in the last half of the next day, we agreed on another round of pond hockey the following morning.
Saturday afternoon was 4 more hours of pond hockey. We played until I could hardly think of playing any longer. I was having so much fun I didn’t want to stop. (another key element of the Funtensity concept)
Over 22 hours, I’d now spent 7 of those hours playing pond hockey.
My legs were toast. My everything was toast. Even my toast was toast. I felt the most sublimely wonderful combination of exhaustion and exhilaration. Let’s say I felt “exhilarausted.” (I sense a new hashtag #exhilarausted)
There really is nothing quite like the combination of a physically fun challenge outdoors with great people. It is a kind of magic for the spirit.
The thrill of doing something new that I had longed to do since my teenage years is indescribable.
What can you do that is thrilling, new, fun, and connects you with other people?