The 5-second rule works (not really though) for hard junk foods. A Zero-Second diet should lead you toward healthier food options since most healthy foods would pick up a lot of gross stuff if it touched the floor at all.
The 5-second rule works (not really though) for hard junk foods. A Zero-Second diet should lead you toward healthier food options since most healthy foods would pick up a lot of gross stuff if it touched the floor at all.
More people than ever are obese. More people than ever are meeting government guidelines for exercise, and the government guidelines for physical activity just doubled from what they used to be. Confused? Frustrated? Confrustrated? When I read stories about health, fitness, and obesity in the media, I understand why many people throw their hands up […]
How much exercise does it take to provide a mental health benefit? A recent massive study helps answer this. But also, is this even the right question to be asking?