What if we took even just 10% of the cost of a new so-so treatment for Alzheimer’s, and gave that amount to 10 people to invest in brain healthy lifestyle choices? What gives us the most bang for all those bucks? Leqembi or Lifestyle?
What if we took even just 10% of the cost of a new so-so treatment for Alzheimer’s, and gave that amount to 10 people to invest in brain healthy lifestyle choices? What gives us the most bang for all those bucks? Leqembi or Lifestyle?
Does obesity lead to inner truth or the inside of a hospital? It makes everything in life worse, yet misguided people are asking us to accept it. We cannot. New research shows that obesity promotes Alzheimer’s.
Exciting Back Page News! A teensy-weensy benefit from a drug to treat brain disease is treated like the moon landing. Big benefit from fitness is usually buried in the back pages, but it’s actually the bigger news. 6-minute HIIT workout boosts BDNF more than 90-minute light intensity, and more than intermittent fasting, and certainly more than Lecanemab.
Does it hurt your feelings or your physiology? (Time to pick up some things from the Reality Store.) High sugar intake promotes obesity…and obesity promotes dementia. “There are no bad foods” & the idea that ‘obesity’ is stigmatizing…just the latest offerings from grievance junkies doing real harm while claiming to be helping people. Twenty-seven years ago today, obesity killed my father and we didn’t care what it was called.
There were people pointing out the amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer’s was wrong over a decade ago. Suddenly, everyone has now decided to listen.
More is more, but less is still a lot. Especially when it comes to decreasing risk of dementia from physical activity. Here’s to you, underachievers!
Strength training improves cognitive decline and provides neuroprotective benefits for the hippocampus. But don’t get too caught up in targeting types of exercise for specific brain regions.
Free webinar to learn the 18 lifestyle factors related to Alzheimer’s, a little-known sleep fact, and why brain games are not enough for brain fitness.
Stop making fitness fancy. Fitness is not a product. Health is not something you buy. Brain health is no different. But it likely will not stay that way. It can be hard enough to be healthy even when it does not cost a small fortune. I believe fitness – including brain fitness – should be available […]
Prevention needs a ribbon. An ounce of prevention appears to not be heavy enough for many people with too many waiting to act until they need to carry several pounds of cure.