Brain and body are better built together – part 2. Low-tech and high-tech ideas for blending fitness training with brain training.
Brain and body are better built together – part 2. Low-tech and high-tech ideas for blending fitness training with brain training.
Make your “up” time more up, and your down time will be more down. There’s almost nothing strength training can’t do for you! Resistance training improves sleep efficiency and duration, according to a new study.
Strength training boosts a key longevity hormone more than aerobic exercise does – so we love ‘em both. No need to have a favorite.
Long-duration static planks = a terrible idea. “Get Out of Planks Free” card for you to use next time anyone tries to make you do them. New moving plank variation “Inchworm Plank” to give you another way to progress a plank beyond the entry level plank.
Babies, barbells, and brain fitness. What’s the difference between lifting a baby or a barbell? One is squirmy and the other is firm-y. Consider the familiar scene of someone lifting a child in the air overhead. The human connection through physical touch and eye contact plus the sudden higher elevation and movement is very thrilling […]
Strength training improves cognitive decline and provides neuroprotective benefits for the hippocampus. But don’t get too caught up in targeting types of exercise for specific brain regions.
You are not a bowl of fruit. Yet. With time we move less as advancements in society engineer movement out of everyday life in ever-expanding ways. The result is that instead of running around hunting and gathering to survive, we now have to re-insert physical activity into our days in discreet segments of time we […]
Usually used as a recovery tool…what if we used it for a fun, challenging workout? They are everywhere, so why not use them for (almost) everything? This workout provides a novel, fun, harder-than-you-think it-will-be workout you can do anywhere you have a roller.
Brains of weight-trained rats resemble those of brains that had not been inflamed and impaired. New study shows brain benefits of resistance training.