Are you unsafe enough? Take a walk, but don’t just walk. Make it weird. Make it fun. Make it do more for you. Do things the hard way and make life easier.
Are you unsafe enough? Take a walk, but don’t just walk. Make it weird. Make it fun. Make it do more for you. Do things the hard way and make life easier.
Research Doesn’t Show That Play is Fun! I have the Nerf gun bullets to prove it. While the future benefits of fitness on brain health are important to investigate, it is equally important to appreciate the sublime and subjective experience of a single social yet challenging fitness experience.
Zero stress is the wrong goal. Find the sweet spot of stress and feel engaged. On either side lie the dangers of boredom or burnout.
Too Much This; Too Little That. After sitting still all day, we are still somehow too tired to move. Our brains are built for the woods but we live in our ‘hoods.
Phytoncides (wood essential oils) boost your immune system. So get out and play and breathe forest air (without a mask) or diffuse essential oils inside if you cannot get outside.
We need more connections to nature, not Wi-Fi. More connected fitness devices means less time exercising outside. This goes against our nature.
For an in-home workout experience in the spirit of Funtensity, think about outfitting your “toy closet” of workout tools. Here’s a helpful list of my current top 5 recommended fitness products for home use.
Adapting a partner-based, physical contact fitness program for solo performance in a time of social distancing.
Fitness needs a re-think…some crazy comments from people reflect the species-wide dysfunction we have with fitness. And there is a solution…
The expectations, beliefs, and perceptions about exercise can ultimately promote – or possibly inhibit – its benefits.