Tired of [ACTION REQUIRED] e-mails? Me too, until I learned to do something physical every time I get one of these.
Tired of [ACTION REQUIRED] e-mails? Me too, until I learned to do something physical every time I get one of these.
Sit still or take a pill? You bet I will. The reality of brain games cannot live up to the unrealistic expectations we put on them, but “moving brain games” can fulfill the promise of brain health.
Research Doesn’t Show That Play is Fun! I have the Nerf gun bullets to prove it. While the future benefits of fitness on brain health are important to investigate, it is equally important to appreciate the sublime and subjective experience of a single social yet challenging fitness experience.
Zero stress is the wrong goal. Find the sweet spot of stress and feel engaged. On either side lie the dangers of boredom or burnout.
Too Much This; Too Little That. After sitting still all day, we are still somehow too tired to move. Our brains are built for the woods but we live in our ‘hoods.
The idea of drinking alcohol & sleeping 20 years away – or at least the year 2020 away – has probably never seemed more appealing. With more time at home than ever before, there’s never been a better time to organize your day around your chronotype so you can avoid idiotic programs like the “5 AM Club” and stop forcing yourself to get up early if it does not fit your biology.
“Failure is not option.” I call BS. Failure is always an option. If it were not, life would be easy. After a recent milestone birthday, combined with numerous health challenges arriving simultaneously have resulted in a bit of deeper reflection on this idea. Long ago knee injuries from sports resulted in the inevitable diagnosis of […]
What if you limited the vocabulary you use to describe exercise? What if the only words you knew were positive and motivating?
Movement=happy. Or at least it should. And why the 150 minutes of exercise a week is a lie told because we can’t handle the truth.
You are not a bowl of fruit. Yet. With time we move less as advancements in society engineer movement out of everyday life in ever-expanding ways. The result is that instead of running around hunting and gathering to survive, we now have to re-insert physical activity into our days in discreet segments of time we […]