Walking! Everybody’s doing it. Now let’s make sure you keep doing it with some clever, fun, and simple ways to keep it interesting.
Walking! Everybody’s doing it. Now let’s make sure you keep doing it with some clever, fun, and simple ways to keep it interesting.
Want a workout that delivers a powerful emotional as well as physical impact? This is it. No equipment necessary, free, and only a click away.
We only need brains because we move. The less we move, the less we use, and the more likely we are to lose our brains. We are becoming a human version of the sea squirt.
There is no key to health. There is no most important tire on your car. There are multiple keys to health and attention to all of them is the only way to give yourself the best chance at health.
We are our own worst enemy at times. Walking on all fours wasn’t good enough. We had to get up on two legs to get a higher view of available resources. It created a shift both in how we move (and use our brains to control movement) and how we process information we take in […]
We know about “use it or lose it” when it comes to brain neurons…but now we find out about “OVERuse it and lose it?” Too much of a good thing isn’t – as usual.
Regular exercise can slow the progression of cognitive impairment. A half hour of aerobic exercise four to five times a week may prevent or slow cognitive decline in older adults who are at a high risk of developing Alzheimer’s, according to a new study published Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Brains of weight-trained rats resemble those of brains that had not been inflamed and impaired. New study shows brain benefits of resistance training.
We text a lot and sit too much. The fix? Stand up and text = “Stext.” Do it now with someone you love.
What often gets you the most excited about fitness is when you find yourself doing something you didn’t set as a goal and weren’t sure was even possible. When you get fitter it happens broadly, making so many little things better that it is impossible to predict what they will be. We have our stated […]