You don’t have enough discipline to stick with exercise because we make exercise so unappealing that it can overcome any amount of discipline you can muster.
You don’t have enough discipline to stick with exercise because we make exercise so unappealing that it can overcome any amount of discipline you can muster.
Are you unsafe enough? Take a walk, but don’t just walk. Make it weird. Make it fun. Make it do more for you. Do things the hard way and make life easier.
“Have a sensational time!” No one ever says, “Have a cognitive time!” but perhaps we should start. Sensation-driven experiences (aka “living in the moment) is good sometimes, but part of the joy of life is having a sense of identity that comes from a meaning-driven experiences and a connection to your past and future.
Our big fancy brains took us from all fours to walking on two legs to hunting, to farming, to sitting on our asses all day looking at screens…eliminating the very thing that caused our brains to become as advanced as they are. Movement = Anti-Dementia Pill
Research Doesn’t Show That Play is Fun! I have the Nerf gun bullets to prove it. While the future benefits of fitness on brain health are important to investigate, it is equally important to appreciate the sublime and subjective experience of a single social yet challenging fitness experience.
Too Much This; Too Little That. After sitting still all day, we are still somehow too tired to move. Our brains are built for the woods but we live in our ‘hoods.
We need more connections to nature, not Wi-Fi. More connected fitness devices means less time exercising outside. This goes against our nature.
For an in-home workout experience in the spirit of Funtensity, think about outfitting your “toy closet” of workout tools. Here’s a helpful list of my current top 5 recommended fitness products for home use.
“Failure is not option.” I call BS. Failure is always an option. If it were not, life would be easy. After a recent milestone birthday, combined with numerous health challenges arriving simultaneously have resulted in a bit of deeper reflection on this idea. Long ago knee injuries from sports resulted in the inevitable diagnosis of […]
Adapting a partner-based, physical contact fitness program for solo performance in a time of social distancing.