When it comes to fitness, motivation is often missing the ‘e’ it needs to be successful. When motivation is lacking, you will also find a lack of emotion.
When it comes to fitness, motivation is often missing the ‘e’ it needs to be successful. When motivation is lacking, you will also find a lack of emotion.
How you frame your activity can affect the quantity and quality of food you eat after and how hard you perceive it to be. Hint: framing it as fun makes things better for you.
Let’s stop forcibly cramming so much “fun” into every life event (holidays, births, weddings, pets) that life no longer is fun. Let fun movement be an essential part of your life.
Make health behaviors easier by keeping them in-the-moment and front-of-mind. How to use cognitive reframing to either enjoy a few drinks when you want to and say “no” to a ‘glass of diabetes’ when you don’t want to.
You don’t have enough discipline to stick with exercise because we make exercise so unappealing that it can overcome any amount of discipline you can muster.
The expectations, beliefs, and perceptions about exercise can ultimately promote – or possibly inhibit – its benefits.
You are not a bowl of fruit. Yet. With time we move less as advancements in society engineer movement out of everyday life in ever-expanding ways. The result is that instead of running around hunting and gathering to survive, we now have to re-insert physical activity into our days in discreet segments of time we […]
Stress gets a bad rap. Stress is not all bad and all stress management techniques are not all good. Both are highly individualized to you.
Decide – like homicide means to murder – means to kill off other choices. Isn’t it time to decide to be healthy once-and-for-all.
There is no key to health. There is no most important tire on your car. There are multiple keys to health and attention to all of them is the only way to give yourself the best chance at health.