When it comes to fitness, motivation is often missing the ‘e’ it needs to be successful. When motivation is lacking, you will also find a lack of emotion.
When it comes to fitness, motivation is often missing the ‘e’ it needs to be successful. When motivation is lacking, you will also find a lack of emotion.
Let’s stop forcibly cramming so much “fun” into every life event (holidays, births, weddings, pets) that life no longer is fun. Let fun movement be an essential part of your life.
Too Much This; Too Little That. After sitting still all day, we are still somehow too tired to move. Our brains are built for the woods but we live in our ‘hoods.
We need more connections to nature, not Wi-Fi. More connected fitness devices means less time exercising outside. This goes against our nature.
“Failure is not option.” I call BS. Failure is always an option. If it were not, life would be easy. After a recent milestone birthday, combined with numerous health challenges arriving simultaneously have resulted in a bit of deeper reflection on this idea. Long ago knee injuries from sports resulted in the inevitable diagnosis of […]
The expectations, beliefs, and perceptions about exercise can ultimately promote – or possibly inhibit – its benefits.
Movement=happy. Or at least it should. And why the 150 minutes of exercise a week is a lie told because we can’t handle the truth.
Walking! Everybody’s doing it. Now let’s make sure you keep doing it with some clever, fun, and simple ways to keep it interesting.
We only need brains because we move. The less we move, the less we use, and the more likely we are to lose our brains. We are becoming a human version of the sea squirt.
A curious mind and staying connected to how fitness helps you enjoy what matters most make it easier to stay engaged in exercise and eradicates boredom.