Prevention needs a ribbon. An ounce of prevention appears to not be heavy enough for many people with too many waiting to act until they need to carry several pounds of cure.
Prevention needs a ribbon. An ounce of prevention appears to not be heavy enough for many people with too many waiting to act until they need to carry several pounds of cure.
Put the *you* in the middle of “fun.” Keep yourself in the mindset of summer fun when pursuing summer fitness. Run…through the sprinklers. Keep fitness in the context of fun stuff and you will enjoy your summer workouts more and get more out of them.
Research Doesn’t Show That Play is Fun! I have the Nerf gun bullets to prove it. While the future benefits of fitness on brain health are important to investigate, it is equally important to appreciate the sublime and subjective experience of a single social yet challenging fitness experience.
Zero stress is the wrong goal. Find the sweet spot of stress and feel engaged. On either side lie the dangers of boredom or burnout.
We need more connections to nature, not Wi-Fi. More connected fitness devices means less time exercising outside. This goes against our nature.
Fitness needs a re-think…some crazy comments from people reflect the species-wide dysfunction we have with fitness. And there is a solution…
What if you limited the vocabulary you use to describe exercise? What if the only words you knew were positive and motivating?
Emotional fatigue doesn’t just suck, it sucks the life out of you. The emotional state of play is the remedy. Life feels heavy right now so make it feel lighter by bringing a challenge to your muscles while your mind is at play.
Walking! Everybody’s doing it. Now let’s make sure you keep doing it with some clever, fun, and simple ways to keep it interesting.
Stress gets a bad rap. Stress is not all bad and all stress management techniques are not all good. Both are highly individualized to you.